At Sign Away BSL, we are excited to introduce our Deaf Awareness Training, a transformative experience designed to empower your organisation with the knowledge and tools to embrace inclusivity and unlock the immense potential of the Deaf community.

Grow your organisation with Deaf Awareness Training

Deaf Awareness Training isn't just about meeting compliance standards; it's about recognizing the vast opportunities that inclusivity offers.

Two double doors that are green opening

Even if your business doesn't have Deaf staff or customers, you could be unknowingly turning them away before they even cross your threshold.

Be Ready

A green pound sign

Purple Pound

Ignoring the Deaf and Disabled community means missing out on a staggering £274 billion in the UK. By investing in Deaf Awareness Training, you're not only fostering a more inclusive environment but also opening doors to a valuable customer base.

A green generic human

Unlock Hidden Talent

 Deaf individuals possess unique skills, perspectives, and talents that can be valuable assets to your workforce. By creating an inclusive environment, you're more likely to attract and retain talented Deaf employees and volunteers.

Organisations we are working with

  • This section provides insights into the Deaf community, exploring its culture, diversity, and the social aspects of deafness. Participants will gain an understanding of the challenges faced by Deaf individuals and how these can influence their experiences in society and the workplace.

  • This section introduces the basics of British Sign Language (BSL), including its structure, common signs, and grammatical rules. It aims to provide a foundational knowledge that helps in understanding how BSL differs from spoken languages, fostering greater appreciation and awareness.

  • We tailor our training to include specific vocabulary and signs relevant to your sector and organisation. This bespoke approach ensures that your team not only learns general sign language but also acquires the specific skills needed to communicate effectively in your particular professional context.

  • Our training covers a range of techniques to improve communication with Deaf individuals, including clear sign language usage, understanding non-verbal cues, ensuring visual accessibility, and strategies to facilitate better interaction in both one-on-one and group settings.

  • We explore strategies to create inclusive environments that consider the needs of Deaf individuals. This includes adjustments in physical space, communication tools, and interaction methods that ensure Deaf customers and employees feel valued and understood.

  • Working with interpreters and translators involves understanding their roles, the ethical considerations, and how to effectively incorporate them into various interactions. This section of the training covers best practices for scheduling, using, and interacting with interpreters to ensure clear and respectful communication.


A typical workshop lasts for 90 minutes for up to 25 people.
Get in touch to discuss how it can be personalised to your organisational needs.

Personalised Training for your sector

Daniel Dominey signing to a iphone shooting a practice video for an upcoming course

Daniel Dominey

Lead Instructor

Our lead instructor, Daniel, brings a wealth of personal experience and insights to the training. As a Deaf individual who has encountered barriers in accessing services, Daniel's journey is an integral part of the training. His authentic and thought-provoking approach creates a unique learning environment that goes beyond theory with tangible results for your organisation


Contact us today to discuss your requirements and pricing for a bespoke Deaf Awareness Training session for your organisation!