Subsidise a place for a deaf person or their family and friends to learn Sign Language


At Sign Away BSL, we believe that everyone deserves the opportunity to connect, communicate, and embrace the beauty of British Sign Language (BSL). Were you aware that only 87,000 out of 10 million D/deaf and hard-of-hearing individuals use BSL? Moreover, those who do learn BSL may often find themselves as the sole users within their family or school. With your assistance, we aspire to play a small role in altering this narrative.

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At Sign Away BSL, we believe that everyone deserves the opportunity to connect, communicate, and embrace the beauty of British Sign Language (BSL). Were you aware that only 87,000 out of 10 million D/deaf and hard-of-hearing individuals use BSL? Moreover, those who do learn BSL may often find themselves as the sole users within their family or school. With your assistance, we aspire to play a small role in altering this narrative.

At Sign Away BSL, we believe that everyone deserves the opportunity to connect, communicate, and embrace the beauty of British Sign Language (BSL). Were you aware that only 87,000 out of 10 million D/deaf and hard-of-hearing individuals use BSL? Moreover, those who do learn BSL may often find themselves as the sole users within their family or school. With your assistance, we aspire to play a small role in altering this narrative.

Why Subsidise a Place?

Many Deaf individuals, akin to myself, grew up without the chance to learn sign language. It extends beyond being merely a language; it serves as a gateway to inclusion, identity, and the very fabric of everyday conversations. By subsidising a place, you contribute to a community where every Deaf person can express themselves with pride, feeling an integral part of the Deaf community and taking pride in their Deaf identity.

Growing up, my family's ability to communicate through sign language was a lifeline. It wasn't solely about comprehending the words; it encompassed being included in the small moments that constitute daily life. Your support can offer that same sense of inclusion and pride to someone eager to commence their signing journey.

Subsidised places are open to any Deaf, deaf, or hard-of-hearing individuals, as well as their close families and friends.

How It Works:

  • Cost: You pay £30 to subsidise a place (the attendee contributes the remaining £5).

  • Valid for: Any Sign Away BSL course.

  • Redemption: Email to redeem a subsidised place.

If you can afford a full-price ticket, kindly consider doing so. Your generosity enables us to extend this subsidised resource to those who need it most. Together, let's dismantle barriers and ensure that every Deaf individual has the opportunity to sign, connect, and thrive.

Gift Voucher
from £35.00